Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Linear Regression

The primary purpose of linear regression is to model the relationship between two different variables; it does so by attempting to fit a linear line to a plot of datapoints. 

For example, linear regression might come up with a positive linear relationship between a variable

X: the amount of money spent on advertising


Y: the amount of revenue generated from the item being advertised

In this case, X is referred to as the independent variable (or explanatory variable and predictor variable) whereas Y is the dependent variable (or target variable and response variable).

Brief History

The early origins of linear regression are often traced back to a man named Sir Francis Galton, a successful 19th century scientist and the cousin of Charles Darwin. He started about with linear regression when he was performing experiments on sweat peas in an attempt to understand how the genes/characteristics of one generation would be transferred to the next generation. One of his first forays into linear regression came when he plotted the sizes of daughter peas against the sizes of the respective mother peas. As such, this type of representation of data ended up forming the foundation of what we now call linear regression. There is still a lot of other information regarding the origins of linear regression, so if you’re still curious please feel free to read more at:

Basic Concepts

The plot above displays a good example of a plot of datapoints with a strong linear relationship. In this case, the relationship is positive since the value of Y tends to increase as the value of X increases. A negative relationship would be the converse – the value of Y decreases as the value of X increases.
Why is the above a “strong” linear relationship? Well, you can tell from the plot because all the datapoints are scattered pretty tightly around the linear fit. A more mathematical approach to determining the strength of the linear relationship, though, would be to use the Pearson correlation coefficient.  The Pearson correlation coefficient, often represented by the letter ρ takes on a value between -1 and 1; the further away the value is from 0, the stronger the linear relationship is. The sign of the correlation coefficient signals whether the relationship is positive or negative.

Let’s use a real dataset to practice what we’ve learned so far.

The dataset I’ll be using this time is from the UCI Machine Learning Repository and contains daily counts of rental bikes between the years of 2011 and 2012 with their corresponding weather information as well.

%matplotlib qt
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import linear_model
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import pearsonr

df = pd.read_csv("day.csv")

model = linear_model.LinearRegression()[['temp']], df['cnt'])
plt.scatter(df['temp'], df['cnt'], s=10)
plt.plot(df['temp'], model.predict(df[['temp']]), color='k')
pearsonr(df['temp'], df['cnt'])

The output of the code snippet above is:

(0.6274940090334921, 2.810622397589902e-81)

By just looking at the plot above, you can reasonably say that the linear relationship is moderately positive; the points aren’t all close to the line, but there definitely does seem to be some sort of positively increasing linear trend. The pair of values in the parentheses below the plot contains the Pearson correlation coefficient and its p-value, respectively. The correlation coefficient value of .62749 tells us that the linear relationship is indeed roughly moderate in strength. To provide additional data, the p-value is also provided in the calculation.

P-value is a way of measuring to what extent and whether the coefficient is different from 0. To understand P-values, though, it’s crucial to understand what a null and alternative hypothesis is. In all scientific experiments, the researcher will always be attempting to observe whether an effect or difference exists. For instance, a researcher could be attempting to find whether a new drug is exhibiting any beneficial signs for patients. Unfortunately, though, not all experiments will prove to show any conclusive evidence for new changes. The absence of changes can be referred to as the null hypothesis, whereas the change that’s being researched for is the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis in the drug example would be that that the new drug was useless and didn’t provide any difference to the patient, whereas the one-sided alternative hypothesis is that it did benefit the patient in some way. In this case, the alternative hypothesis is one-sided because the researcher is only checking for positive benefits. In a two-sided alternative hypothesis, the researcher is only checking for some change at all.

Technically, a P-value is the probability of observing a value as extreme as the one you’re testing, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. As a result, if the P-value is low, you can interpret that as: there is such a low probability of observing a value like the one that I’m referring to that the null hypothesis is most likely just not true. As a result, I can reject the null hypothesis. On the other hand, if the P-value is high, your interpretation can be: assuming that my null hypothesis is true, there is a pretty high probability of obtaining this value again – so, therefore my null hypothesis may actually be true and I can’t reject it yet. Typically, the cutoff value for P-values for rejecting the null hypothesis is .05. So, if the P-value is lower than .05, then you can safely reject the null hypothesis.

So if we now refer back to the pair of values in the parentheses above, we can see that the p-value is significantly lower than a value of .05; and thus we can reject the null hypothesis that there is no linear trend in the data – as a result, we can say there is indeed some linear relationship between temperature and the count of rental bikes.

Let’s take a look at another example:[['windspeed']], df['cnt'])
plt.scatter(df['windspeed'], df['cnt'], s=10)
plt.plot(df['windspeed'], model.predict(df[['windspeed']]), color='k')
plt.xlabel('windspeed (normalized)')
plt.ylabel('rental bike count')
plt.title('windspeed vs. bike count')
pearsonr(df['windspeed'], df['cnt'])

(-0.23454499742167007, 1.3599586778866672e-10)

By looking at the plot above, there does seem to be some negative linear relationship although it doesn’t seem to be strong. The datapoints seem to be scattered wide and far beyond where the fitted line is. That’s enforced by the Pearson correlation coefficient value of -0.2345, which is on the low side, as shown in the pair of values in the parenthesis above. 

An important piece of the linear regression model is understanding how its represented in mathematical terms. 

where Ŷ is the predicted response for the ith predictor value

b0 and b1 are linear regression parameters

and xi is the ith predictor value

The above representation contains only a single predictor variable, but the equation can be expanded for more variables as well.

When we are “fitting” the linear regression model, we are essentially determining the best values for the parameters – b0 and b1 in this case. I will be covering a couple methods used to fit regression models later in this post.

Let’s go back to the example with the rental bike counts.

Let’s say that we decide to just stick with one predictor variable and decide to go with temperature since it seemed to produce a stronger linear relationship against bike count when we plotted it. 


After fitting the model, as we did when plotting the regression model, we can view all the linear regression parameters that were fitted to our data. In this case, running the above two lines returned the following equation:

What does that tell us though? What do the values of the coefficients mean anyways?

With the linear regression parameters we’re able to both extrapolate and interpolate based on our own data. For instance, the X in this case represents the temperature value that we are using to determine the rental bike count. If X were 0, then the constant remains and tell us that there will be an average of 1,214 rental bikes that day. In some cases though, the constant value by itself doesn’t really lend itself to much realistic explanation – such as this case.

The coefficient value, on the other hand, tells us that for each 1 unit of increase in temperature there will be an increase in the number of rental bike counts by 6,640. If we look closely at the plot of temperature against rental bike count above, we can see that this increase does seem to make sense based on the data we’re fitted to the line.

Mathematical Details

Before even starting to use linear regression, it’s often extremely useful to check the data and see if it satisfies the four key assumptions:
  1. Linearity and additivity of the relationship
  2. Statistical independence of errors
  3. Homoscedasticity of errors
  4. Normality of errors
Assumption 1 states that there should be a linear relationship between each of the dependent variables and the independent variables, and an increase in the value of one independent variable should equate to the increase of the dependent variable by the same amount. Violating this assumption could cause predictions from the linear regression model to contain extremely high errors, especially since the data may be completely nonlinear at all. This assumption can be easily tested with scatterplots such as the ones shown below:

Assumption 2 states that the errors/variables of the linear regression model should be independent, so there shouldn’t be any correlation between errors/variables. A common cause of correlated errors/variables is because of a violation of assumption 1 – for instance, if you’re fitting a linear line to an exponentially increasing trend.

To check this assumption, you can use either a correlation matrix, tolerance values, or variance inflation factors (VIF). With a correlation matrix, you can view the bivariate correlation between each pair of independent variables; if any are near or equal to 1, then there are most likely correlated variables. The tolerance value measures the influence each predictor variable has on all the other predictor variables and is mathematically expressed as T = 1 – R2. The smaller the value of T is, the higher the probability of correlated variables in the regression equation. Lastly, VIF values are simply the inverse of tolerance values so the higher they are the more likely there exists correlated pairs.

Assumption 3 states that the errors of the predictor variables should be equal throughout all ranges. Violating such an assumption could cause the linear regression model to give a lot more weight to the points with higher errors if using ordinary least squares (OLS) – which I will cover later in this section.

Viewing a scatterplot of the data is a great way to check for homoscedasticity like so:

(Image taken from

The plot above displays an example of data that is not homoscedastic (and is heteroscedastic) since the range of errors actually increases gradually as the x-value increases.

Assumption 4 states exactly as it is described; the errors of the linear regression model should be normally distributed. If your goal for the model is to estimate its coefficients and to generate predictions, violating such an assumption won’t cause you any problems but it will if your goal is to make inferences and generate confidence intervals (which I will cover in a later post).

Again, viewing plots are extremely useful for checking this assumption; in this case, a Quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot will prove to be very valuable. More information about it can be found here

The most common way to find the estimators of the regression model is to use the method of least squares. The way that the method of least-squares calculates the best-fitting linear fit for the observed data is by minimizing the sum of squares of the vertical deviations from their respective points on the line. For instance, a datapoint that lies exactly on the line has a vertical deviation of 0. To ensure there are no cancellations between positive and negative values, the vertical deviations are all squared before summed.

In terms of notation, the equation for the best-fitting linear regression line is (similar to above):


Based on the following notation, the residual error (or prediction error) is denoted as:

According to the method of least squares, the best-fitting line will be one in which the residual errors for each data point are the smallest possible. The value that we’re essentially attempting to minimize can then be represented by this:

In the formula above you see that the differences (or the residual errors) are squared before being summed together, and thus taking out any risk of positive and negative values cancelling each other out. The value Q can be viewed as the “least-squares criterion” and as a way to compare between fitted lines to determine the best fit. To actually determine the linear regression parameters that will present you with the best fitting line, though, you must use calculus to minimize the equation for the sum of squared residual errors.

I won’t go into details of the individual steps taken using calculus here, but much of it can be found here.

The important end results are displayed below:

The resulting fitted equation line is often referred to as the least squares regression line:

One import concept to note is that, assuming the linear regression model assumptions are met, the Gauss-Markov Theorem states that the least squares estimators for the coefficients of the model are unbiased and have minimum variance among all unbiased linear estimators. By claiming that the coefficients of the model are unbiased, the theorem is stating that neither of the coefficients tend to overestimate or underestimate systematically. The second piece of the theorem states that the coefficient estimators are ore precise, and have less variance, than any other estimators that may also be unbiased estimators.

Another method for estimating the linear regression parameters is known as Maximum Likelihood Estimation (or MLE). The least squares method attempts to minimize the sum of squared errors (or SSE), whereas the MLE method’s goal is to maximize a value known as the likelihood score.

To explain the concept, I’ll be using a simple theoretical example:

Suppose you have a simple linear regression model as such: 

First, you’ll need to make some assumption of the random term, or the error term, in this case. MLE can be used for various other models as well, but in the linear regression case, let’s assume that the distribution of errors is normally distributed with a mean of 0 and standard deviation of σ.

You will then need to compute the value of

for each observation. In doing so, you’re calculating the probability of observing y given that you’ve estimated b for the coefficient and have the observation value x. 

Your goal is to have the error value be as small as possible which also equates to having the 

value be as large as possible.

Assuming your error values are independent, you can then calculate the likelihood score by multiplying the value of 

by every other datapoint to get:

With these values, your goal is to determine the value of B that will maximize the value of L. One other piece to note is that, as the number of datapoints grows increasingly large, the value of L will grow increasingly small. To combat such issues of interpretability, scientists tend to use the log-likelihood function instead – and thus using a much more manageable number. Because the log-likelihood value is always negative, though, the highest possible value you can attain is 0 – so that would be your goal in this case.

Software is often used in the case of employing the MLE method in that it’s able to repeat over many different trials to find the model parameters that maximize the likelihood score.

As you may have noticed, the MLE method does make several additional assumptions on the data in order for it to be accurate; the several ones being that the errors follow a certain distribution (normal distribution for linear regression) and are independent from each other as well.

The advantage of the MLE method is that it’s able to fit to various other kinds of models as well, and not just the linear regression model – which I’ll show an example of in a later post.

Now that the linear regression is built, though, how do you evaluate it? A valuable way is to review some of the model’s diagnostic measures:
  1. T-statistic
  2. P-values
  3. R2
  4. Multiple R2
  5. F-statistic
The T-statistic often shown as part of a linear regression model’s diagnostics is the coefficient divided by its standard error where the standard error is an estimate of the standard deviation of the coefficient. As a result, if the coefficient is much larger than the standard error, than there probably is a high chance that the coefficient is different from 0 – meaning that it has some effect on the response variable.

How is the P-value connected to linear regression? Well, often as a part of the diagnostic measures you will see a T-value and P-value paired together. The P-value typically tells more, since if it is of significance (meaning less than some cutoff such as .05), then the coefficient you obtained may actually be different from 0.

The R-squared value, or coefficient of determination, is also another way of evaluating a linear regression model. Visually, the R-squared value is a measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line. The actual definition, though, is that it’s the percentage of the response variable variation that is explained by the linear regression model. Its values range between 0 and 100%, where 100% means that the model explains all sorts of variability in the data – so the datapoints would all lie on the fitted line. 

To mathematically calculate the R-squared value, you would need to do:

where SSR is the Sum of Squares Regression calculated like this:

And SST is the Total Sum of Squares:

In the above equation, SSE is Sum of Squared Errors, which is exactly what we were attempting to minimize when using the least-squares method for determining the linear regression parameters.

Logically, you can think of the SSR value as the measure of explained variation since it’s essentially calculating the difference between the predicted y-value and the population mean of the y-value, which would represent not even using any predictors in the regression model. The SST value, on the other hand, can be thought of as the total variation in the value of y.

One piece to watch out for when using the R-squared value, though, is that it doesn’t provide the whole picture when evaluating a linear regression model. For instance, you could have a high R-squared value, meaning that the plot fits the datapoints nicely, but there may be parameters that you’re missing or other trends that you’re not noting. Refer to the below plots taken from here.

Based on the first plot, the R-squared value is 98.5% (which is fantastic), but if you take a look at the residuals plot below you’ll notice that the regression fit actually systematically over or under-predicts the data at various points. Although this case doesn’t actually fit with linear regression specifically, it is always something to watch out for – and using the residuals plots after fitting the model can provide more details as well.

What about when your R-squared value is low though? Is that always bad? Well, not always. In some fields, such as human psychology, it’s extremely difficult to determine all necessary variables that are necessary to predict some human action since it can be vary so greatly. As a result, the R-squared values in such fields are often very low. But even with the low R-squared value, you’re still able to draw important conclusions about the effects of the different predictors you have in the model.

Another problem with using the R-squared value when comparing models is that the R-squared value will generally always increase when adding more variables to the model. Specifically, the SSR value of R^2 is non-increasing, so adding a variable can only decrease it even if the added variable has no effect on the response variable. As a result, an often used alternative is the adjusted R-squared value, which penalizes the addition of new variables. 

where k + 1 represents the number of parameters in the model.

Yet another model diagnostic measure is the F-test for linear regression, which tests whether any of the independent variables in the linear regression are significant. I won’t go into all the details of the F-test here, but there are a few crucial pieces of the F-test to be aware of. The null hypothesis for the test states that all the coefficients of the linear regression are equal to 0, whereas the alternative hypothesis states that at least one of the coefficients is not 0. The important piece of the F-test that you should consider is the P-value. If the P-value is roughly less than .05 (or some other cutoff you’re using), then you can assume that at least one of your independent variables is actually significant in predicting the target variable. If not, then vice versa. You can find more detailed information on the F-test here.

A crucial part to take away from all these model diagnostics is that using just any one of them is never enough to fully evaluate a linear regression model. To understand your models’ strengths and disadvantages, you must consider all pieces of the picture including analyzing residual plots and other detailed graphs.

Overall, I’ve covered a significant amount of information on the linear regression model. Despite so, there is still a lot more to learn so feel free to read deeper into any of the resources I’ve used or into any other you can find. Despite its simplicity, linear regression is widely used in many professional and recreational settings; understanding it clearly will certainly pave your way to more easily grasping even more advanced statistical models.

Resources Used

Applied Linear Statistical Models – Kutner, Nachtsheim, Neter, Li

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